Sunday, August 1, 2010

I'm sorry

I'm sorry that this blog hasn't been up to date on things. Recently I've:

Worked a lot

Fixed up my bike

Turned 21

Went to Redoubt Bay to watch brown and black bears catching salmon

Hiked the Rainbow Trail with my mom

Played some music

Worked on some art

Worked in the garden a lot and ate a lot of tasty fresh vegetables

Ate grilled, pickled, smoked, and raw salmon all in one night

Met Sophie Plitt's parents (they are very nice)

Saw Everclear play live (What?)

Continued to try to figure out Alaska and what my interaction with it is going to mean for the future. Its future and my future.

I don't have a lot of nice words right now. I'm kind of out of 'em.